Coordinated Healthcare

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT, pronounced “act”) is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals embrace their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting or feeling overwhelmed by them. ACT is based on the idea that psychological suffering is usually caused by attempts to avoid or suppress uncomfortable emotions, thoughts, or experiences. Instead of focusing on eliminating distressing thoughts, ACT encourages accepting them as part of life, while committing to actions that align with one’s values.

Unlike traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on changing thoughts, ACT emphasizes mindfulness, acceptance, and behavioral change. It’s about living a meaningful, value-driven life even in the presence of difficult emotions or challenging thoughts.

How ACT Works

ACT is built around six core principles that help individuals develop psychological flexibility—the ability to stay present and engage in behavior that is consistent with their values, even when they are experiencing unpleasant thoughts, feelings, or sensations.

The six core processes of ACT are:

  1. Cognitive Defusion: Instead of becoming entangled with their thoughts, individuals learn to see their thoughts as simply words or images passing through their minds, without giving them undue power. Cognitive defusion helps people separate themselves from their thoughts, which allows for greater emotional freedom.

  2. Acceptance: ACT encourages accepting rather than avoiding or resisting difficult thoughts, feelings, or sensations. Acceptance doesn’t mean liking or wanting these experiences but learning to coexist with them without struggling against them. This helps reduce the impact that uncomfortable emotions have on behavior.

  3. Contact with the Present Moment: Also known as mindfulness, this principle emphasizes being fully aware and open to the present experience, rather than getting caught up in the past or worrying about the future. ACT helps individuals cultivate mindfulness skills that enable them to stay connected to the present.

  4. Self-as-Context: This concept involves recognizing that there is a “self” that observes experiences, thoughts, and feelings, rather than being defined by them. It’s the idea that you are more than just your thoughts or emotions. This broader sense of self provides a stable perspective from which to observe your internal experiences.

  5. Values: In ACT, individuals clarify what truly matters to them—what kind of person they want to be and what they want their life to stand for. Identifying core values helps guide actions and decisions, providing a roadmap for living a more meaningful and purposeful life.

  6. Committed Action: The final step involves taking concrete steps, guided by personal values, to move toward meaningful goals. Even in the face of difficult emotions or thoughts, ACT encourages individuals to take action that aligns with their values, building a life worth living.

Techniques Used in ACT

ACT therapists use various techniques to help clients engage with the six core principles. Some common ACT techniques include:

  • Mindfulness Exercises: These practices help individuals stay present in the moment, increasing awareness of thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. Mindfulness can be practiced through meditation, breathing exercises, or simply paying attention to daily activities.

  • Metaphors and Stories: ACT often uses metaphors to help illustrate key concepts. For example, the “Passengers on the Bus” metaphor explains how difficult thoughts and feelings are like passengers on a bus you’re driving. While the passengers may shout at you or try to control your route, you can still steer the bus in the direction you want to go (towards your values).

  • Values Clarification: Therapists work with individuals to explore and define what truly matters to them in different areas of life (relationships, work, personal growth). Once values are identified, they become the foundation for goal-setting and action.

  • Behavioral Interventions: Like CBT, ACT includes practical steps to help individuals move toward their values, even when faced with discomfort. This may involve exposure to feared situations, taking small steps toward goals, or practicing self-compassion.

What Conditions Can ACT Help With?

ACT is effective for a wide range of mental health conditions and life challenges, including:

  • Depression: By promoting acceptance of difficult feelings and helping individuals focus on what truly matters to them, ACT can reduce the sense of hopelessness often associated with depression.

  • Anxiety Disorders: ACT helps individuals face anxiety-provoking thoughts and sensations without trying to avoid or suppress them, allowing them to engage in valued activities despite their anxiety.

  • Chronic Pain: ACT is commonly used to treat chronic pain by helping individuals accept the reality of their physical condition without letting it dominate their life, enabling them to live in accordance with their values.

  • Substance Abuse: ACT helps individuals break the cycle of addiction by fostering acceptance of difficult cravings and emotions, while encouraging behaviors aligned with long-term goals and values.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Instead of trying to eliminate intrusive thoughts, ACT helps people observe their thoughts without acting on compulsions, reducing the impact of OCD symptoms.

Benefits of ACT

  • Focus on Living a Meaningful Life: ACT is unique in its focus on values and meaningful action. Instead of just managing symptoms, ACT emphasizes creating a fulfilling life based on what truly matters to the individual.

  • Increased Psychological Flexibility: By promoting acceptance, mindfulness, and value-driven behavior, ACT increases psychological flexibility, helping individuals respond more effectively to life’s challenges.

  • Applicable to a Wide Range of Issues: ACT has been shown to be effective for not only mental health conditions but also everyday stressors, relationship problems, and life transitions.

  • Promotes Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: ACT integrates mindfulness into everyday life, which helps people become more compassionate toward themselves, especially when facing difficulties.

Is ACT Right for You?

ACT is a versatile therapy that can benefit anyone seeking to live a more fulfilling and value-driven life. It is particularly useful for those who feel stuck in cycles of avoidance or who struggle with emotional overwhelm. Because it focuses on acceptance rather than fighting or changing thoughts, it may be especially helpful for individuals who have tried other therapies and are seeking a different approach.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy offers a unique and effective approach to improving mental health and well-being. Rather than focusing on controlling or eliminating uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, ACT encourages acceptance and commitment to values-driven action. By cultivating mindfulness, embracing difficult experiences, and taking meaningful steps toward personal goals, individuals can build more fulfilling and resilient lives.

If you’re interested in learning more about ACT or exploring how it can help you, please call us on 1300 832 687 or leave a comment below.

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